Monday, October 20, 2008

Say What?

During a meeting with ASUA on sustainability on the campus, Pres. Shelton said the following:

"Before hearing what the students had planned, Shelton told them that he longed for the good old days when students questioned authority.

"I continue to worry we don't have enough protests and everyone raising heck," he said."

REALLY? Wasn't it Shelton's VP of Communications who helped squash a grad-student protest over Parents' Weekend? Wasn't it Shelton who failed to adequately answer students' concerns at the town hall meeting a few weeks ago? Wasn't it Shelton who admitted to a certain program that ultimately he and Hay make the decisions and that the White Papers are part of a process, but really have no official power?

Oh, I get it. It's our fault because we don't care enough. Blaming the victims seems a little too easy, doesn't it?

E-mail Shelton and tell him not to worry about students not protesting enough. You want it? You got it.

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