Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Architecture of Betrayal

Check out the Daily Wildcat's two sharp articles (one in news, the other in opinions) today, criticizing the administration's decision to 'sweep' any surplus salary dollars from all colleges into a central fund. Particularly disappointing is the administration's willful refusal to acknowledge that these colleges made promises with the money they thought was theirs and are now unable to make due.

It highlights the bizarre contradiction that has marked this 'restructuring' from the very beginning. The administration asks for your input, then ignores it. It tells you that you have the solutions, and then tells you that you are too irresponsible to handle your own money. It gives you rhetorical responses to practical questions and then complains that you don't protest enough. It tells you to question authority while establishing authoritarian control. It tells you to pinch your pennies so that it can smash your piggy bank and sweep them all away.

We understand that these are tough times, but that does not justify creating an atmosphere of hypocrisy and deceit. Just tell it like it is so we know what we're up against.

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