Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Want to get really scared? Read Shelton and Hay's latest terror-infested e-mail to the campus community. Midterm cuts, fewer class offerings, departamental involuntary's all pretty horrifying.

Let's not forget for one second that this restructuring began long before the Wallstreet crash and at the very beginning of the biggest bite of the housing crisis. The economy has become a convenient scapegoat for what the administration seems to have been planning for quite some time. If you need evidence of that, just look to Eller's move to finally get rid of the public administration program. They tried it before, but the economy is to blame!

Part of the problem is that we look to the economy as the source of all power. If something good happens, we have the economy to thank. If something bad happens, the economy made me do it!

What is this big, scary ghost of an economy that we're supposed to just bow down to? Is it the poltergeist that is making jobs disappear all over campus, or is there something more sinister at play?

Ask the administration what they think at the upcoming GPSC meeting (Nov. 5, 6-8pm)

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