Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Thursday ABOR Meeting

Thursday, January 22, 1pm, North Ballroom of the U of A Union: the Arizona Board of Regents will be meeting. There will be a call to the audience and the new Governor of Arizona is likely to attend.

Please come and make your dissatisfaction with the budget proposal known to our new governor.

You can read Regent Fred Boice's reaction to the proposed cuts here:

From Regent Boice's statement:

“I think it’s important that supporters attend this meeting, voice their concerns and show our legislative decision makers we are serious when we say this proposal is unacceptable,” said Regent Fred Boice, president of the board. “Only together can we demand the legislature retract this unrealistic and disproportionate proposal, and work with the universities to determine a reasonable solution that helps the state’s budget crisis, without destroying higher education in our state.”

Also take a look at the frustrating proposals by certain lawmakers, as reported in the Daily Star:

According to the Star, Republican leaders have refused to raise taxes even a nominal amount, which is unfortunate, considering that "A 1-cent hike in state sales taxes would bring in about $1 billion a year."

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