Sunday, December 7, 2008

Turn of Events

After voting to cap tuition lower than Shelton requested, the Board of Regents then turned around and re-voted on the issue, giving the amount Shelton wanted.

Although this means more tuition dollars for U of A in a time that it desperately needs them, it also means that the way in which we thought the Regents operated is apparently no longer the norm. Their ability to re-vote an already decided issue seems pretty scary to us here at Sallygradstudent.

In other news, and perhaps even more exciting, the Arizona Daily Star revealed that the University of Arizona has spent near $13 million on the designs for the Rio Nuevo Science Center (including the now-scrapped Rainbow Bridge). Much of that money came from tax payers, and much of it was apparently spend on meals, airfare, consulting fees, computers, software, etc. It seems, though, a great expense for something that is not yet off the ground and running.

If we have to jack up tuition just to pay the bills and make ends meet, is it really a good idea to pour money into a project like this? How can we justify spending even one more dollar on this while the U of A is laying off local workers?

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