Friday, December 5, 2008

There you have it

The Regents demolished Shelton's 'reduced' tuition plan by slashing it even more. Calling for predictable increases and citing that times are tough, the regents gave far less than expected, meaning that the U of A will come up $5million short next year, according to Shelton.

Some say it seems like an unfair punishment, directed specifically at U of A. Others say that austerity is necessary in this time of financial crisis. The president of the Regents had nothing but harsh words for those who voted for the lower increase. In this time in which it seems likely that a new governor who does not support public education is soon to take office, it is scary indeed to think that we will have to cut even more from the budget. At the same time, college is becoming outrageously expensive, considering what we were paying only a few years ago. As reported earlier this semester, tuition has gone up far more than the rate of inflation, especially in the last few years.

For those of us who have found the restructuring process to be too vague, too harsh and far too fast, look out. Regents recommend that Shelton show his administration can responsibly use tuition increases by accelerating the restructuring! With the winter break creeping up on us, and everyone too busy with papers, tests, teaching, service, committees and, oh yeah, family and friends, who will have the time and energy to monitor this process?

Looking for a good place to start? Check out the blog posting below, in which Renee Schafer Horton recounts Wanda Howell (faculty senate chair)'s point-blank criticism of Provost Hay's unwillingness to make a personal sacrifice in these 'hard times.'

This is why Sallygradstudent requests that all administration take an immediate, voluntary pay cut, not only to help support the budget, but to show solidarity with all of the other employees whose livelihoods hang in the balance.

Looks like someone else has also had this idea. Check out this letter to the editor of the Tucson Citizen:

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