Monday, March 30, 2009

Tuition Surcharge

The Arizona Board of Regents is looking into a tuition surcharge for the coming year in order to offset budget shortfalls:

“Everything’s on the table,” said Fred Boice, president of the Arizona Board of Regents.

The article quotes NAU President John Haeger, saying that the increase could be about $200-$300. If you work a minimum wage job, that amounts to about 28 - 42 hours of work at a minimum wage ($7.25/hour) job, or about 2-3 extra hours of work per week over the course of the semester. If you're a student already working 20+ hours a week, this means a significant increase, if you are able to find work at all. Consider the fact that the U of A plans to lay off student workers in order to save money.

Just for fun: the definition of surcharge can be: "an additional charge, tax or cost" OR "an excessive sum or price charged; an additional or excessive load or burden" (

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