Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cutting schools to fund businesses

New proposals spell welfare for certain businesses and even higher cuts for education.

Governor Brewer tells publicly-funded agencies to brace themselves for even more severe cuts:


"The new directive to agencies comes as some Republican lawmakers bristle under criticism resulting from impacts of the previously approved cuts. Agencies have responded by laying off workers and cutting popular services ranging from child care subsidies to state parks. "

Meanwhile, some GOP leaders in our state seek to repeal property taxes that would bring in $250 million:


"Elizabeth Slaine, who teaches English at Tucson High Magnet School, said she sees the issue in a different light.
The revenue loss would mean less money for education, she said. And Arizona's economy won't improve unless there are people qualified to be in business. "

Particularly disconcerting about this article is Rep. Andy Biggs' response to his constitutents' concerns:

"The revenue loss would mean less money for education, she said. And Arizona's economy won't improve unless there are people qualified to be in business.
Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Gilbert, scoffed at that contention. "

As someone who has benefited from the public education system of Arizona (Rep. Biggs has a J.D. from U of A, an M.A. from ASU, and is working on a Ph.D. at ASU) his seemingly blatant disregard for the value of public education in our state is shocking. If business and education are not connected, as Rep. Biggs contends, then why has he taken full advantage of the public education afforded to him as a resident of Arizona? Perhaps Rep. Biggs feels that only the priviledged have a right to quality public education. Send him an e-mail and ask if this is the case: mailto:abiggs@azleg.gov


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